
The Future City Will Adopt License Plate Recognition Intelligent Parking Management System

With the rapid development of smart city, smart transportation will become cumbersome with the increase of the number of cars. Parking lot management, an important link in the transportation of smart city, is becoming more and more intelligent, and license plate recognition makes a key contribution to this. At present, the traditional standard IC card parking lot system has a wide range of equipment, and is facing complex debugging and maintenance difficulties. However, the market competition is also fierce, and the product homogenization is becoming more and more serious. With the development of technological innovation, advanced computer technology assists the research and development of license plate recognition software intelligence and application algorithm. Image software recognition and license plate recognition technology are becoming more and more mature after continuous innovation. The recognition rate of license plate has also been greatly improved at night or during the day. Due to the maturity and reliability of the technology, it has the conditions for batch application. Nowadays, the concept of "Internet plus" is hot, and the car park is no exception. We can imagine what kind of convenience will be brought to us after the parking lot is connected to the Internet.? the parking lot can be accessed quickly without parking, with electronic independent payment, no or only few management personnel, and the service level and efficiency are greatly improved; the owner can query the empty parking space and reserved parking space on the Internet. After the parking space is reserved, the information will be automatically downloaded to the mobile phone or navigation equipment to start the parking space and navigate all the way to the destination parking space; the guidance signs in the parking lot are clear, tell me where the empty parking space is, speed up the traffic flow, and the lights in the parking lot will automatically improve the illumination according to the direction of vehicles and people, so as to save energy; you can also query, reserve parking space and make an appointment for door-to-door car washing / maintenance / repair service through your mobile phone. After completion, you can watch it through your mobile phone and pay automatically; through the intelligent monitoring on the parking space, once the car is abnormal, the alarm information can be received through the mobile phone;?? after the vehicle is parked, the vehicle will automatically locate. When it leaves, it can be easily found. Looking for a car can be realized through the touch screen and mobile phone, and the car can be seen at any time through the mobile phone; However, license plate recognition parking lot management system will gradually replace IC card swiping, which will bring another major change to the intellectualization of parking lot entrance and exit management. In the era of "Internet plus car park", we need more and more companies that are innovative and precise in service to make the market more prosperous and enter a virtuous circle. Tigerwong is a domestic intelligent parking solution provider, committed to the research and development of core software such as license plate recognition, vehicle type recognition, vehicle feature recognition and parking space detection. According to the specific scene requirements of license plate recognition in the parking lot, the company has developed and launched a high-performance license plate recognition all-in-one machine (the license plate recognition rate is as high as 99.7%). At present, the intelligent parking lot charging system developed by the company based on the integrated license plate recognition machine can meet the charging needs of different parking lots.

The Future City Will Adopt License Plate Recognition Intelligent Parking Management System 1

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Shenzhen Tiger Wong Technology Co., Ltd нь автомашины ухаалаг зогсоолын систем, улсын дугаарыг таних систем, явган хүний ​​нэвтрэх хяналтын турник, царай таних терминал болон автомашины зогсоолын системд нэвтрэх удирдлагын шийдлийн тэргүүлэгч компани юм. LPR зогсоолын шийдэл .
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Shenzhen TigerWong Technology Co.,Ltd

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И-мэйл: info@sztigerwong.com

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