
Internet of Things Cloud Computing, Creating a New Era of Intelligent Parking - Tigerwong Technolog

In the era of the gradual popularization of the Internet of things, intelligent parking management system plays an important role in the application of the Internet of things, plays an important role in promoting the establishment of a smart city, and leads a fast, smooth and comfortable new urban life. Of course, if you want to create a new era of intelligent parking, it's not just talking. It's still a mirage without a good operation mode. I. cloud parking service platform is the development direction of intelligent parking lot in the future. Intelligence is the general trend of parking lot development in the future. The latest technologies and application trends of intelligent parking lot mainly include cloud parking service platform and unattended self-service payment. Cloud parking service platform uses Internet of things and cloud computing technology to seek to break the current situation of information island of intelligent system in a single parking lot, and realize ubiquitous functions such as parking reservation, parking navigation, online payment and wrong time parking, so as to improve parking service quality and intelligent management level. Through this platform, it will have a positive impact on the overall traffic management of the city, the operators of various parking lots, or motor vehicle drivers. For example, it can reduce the number of vehicles stranded on the road, alleviate the traffic pressure, and connect with the public security system to strengthen the safety management of the parking lot. Therefore, cloud parking service platform is the development direction of intelligent parking lot in the future. II. Networking and unmanned will be applied more and more. Car parking management system equipment is widely used in various large or super large commercial toll parking lots (airports, stadiums and exhibition centers), small and medium-sized commercial toll parking lots (supporting hotels, office buildings, shopping malls and theatres), community parking lots, etc, And different parking lots have different requirements for system software and hardware. The traditional car parking management system only solves the problem of entrance and exit control, which is beyond the reach of parking guidance, car search, rapid access and other functions in the parking lot. In addition, there are some problems in the charging process, such as single payment method, low efficiency of manual management, charging loopholes and so on, Not to mention the overall system integration and optimal allocation of resources of the parking lot. Therefore, in the future, networking and unmanned will be applied more and more, the degree of automation of the parking lot will be higher and higher, and the management personnel will be reduced gradually until the unmanned service is realized. Coupled with the rapid popularity of smart phones and mobile Internet in the past two years, mobile Internet users have exceeded fixed Internet users. The use of mobile phones to order meals, buy movie tickets, Download coupons and make friends has been popularized. Therefore, these applications in parking lots will be popularized rapidly and create a new era. Tigerwong parking management system has been inherited for many years! If you have any questions about parking lot system, etc., welcome to consult and exchange.

Internet of Things Cloud Computing, Creating a New Era of Intelligent Parking - Tigerwong Technolog 1

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Shenzhen Tiger Wong Technology Co., Ltd нь автомашины ухаалаг зогсоолын систем, улсын дугаарыг таних систем, явган хүний ​​нэвтрэх хяналтын турник, царай таних терминал болон автомашины зогсоолын системд нэвтрэх удирдлагын шийдлийн тэргүүлэгч компани юм. LPR зогсоолын шийдэл .
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