
"Internet of Things Smart Parking" Starts the Intelligent Parking Lot Management System Mode - Tige

It is difficult to travel without driving; It's hard to drive and park. With the substantial increase of car ownership, especially the rapid development of large and medium-sized cities, the existing parking resources have been far from meeting the soaring demand of car owners for parking spaces. Parking has become a social problem perplexing all parties, and solving the parking problem has also become the focus of attention and efforts from all walks of life. Parking, travel and random parking not only add congestion to the city, but also test the wisdom of managers of large and medium-sized cities. So what problems can intelligent parking solve? According to tigerwong, through the powerful function of parking ticket machine system, car owners can quickly find the surrounding parking lot, navigate to the parking lot parking space, non-stop electronic payment at the entrance and exit gate, reverse car search and other intelligent parking processes with the help of the Internet of things platform, which will greatly save parking time. At the same time, the parking management party can intelligently manage the parking lot through the parking ticket machine system, reduce the labor cost, improve the efficiency of the parking lot and achieve the purpose of increasing income. For the government, with the intelligent parking management system platform based on big data and cloud computing, it can better carry out supervision and overall planning and promote the development and construction of urban transportation. The intelligent parking management system under the mode of Internet of things intelligent parking management system requires the whole team to have open Internet thinking. Tigerwong, the most capable company in China to get involved in the research and development of intelligent parking management system, said at the seminar that the key is the extensive coverage of intelligent parking management system. If there is no support from as many back-end software and hardware systems as possible, the intelligent parking management system will be in vain. According to the differences of service objects of parking lot management, parking lots can be divided into public parking lots and special parking lots. In different application fields, the parking lot will have different performance requirements for system software and hardware. In addition, for special places, such as government compound and enterprise factory, vehicle access management is required to be associated with the daily dispatching management system of vehicles; Military, security and aerospace secret related units require higher safety management and emergency response mechanism for special vehicles. In the future development, intelligent parking management system will not only be the two key words of parking and parking management, but also may become the best entrance for the whole automobile consumption and travel. A series of services such as maintenance, automobile insurance, car rental and so on can be realized through the Internet of things platform. With the popularization and use of smart phones in China, the improvement of people's recognition and utilization of mobile phone services, the increasing security and improvement of online payment system, the intelligent parking system will usher in a blowout growth, and the intelligent parking management system will also replace the existing traditional parking lot. At that time, the parking difficulty is expected to be alleviated, The future life of the people will be more convenient. Let's wait and see and witness that day. For more exciting industry news and parking plans, please call or follow tigerwong's official website. There will be many unexpected gains if you continue to pay attention!!!

Internet of Things Smart Parking Starts the Intelligent Parking Lot Management System Mode - Tige 1

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Shenzhen Tiger Wong Technology Co., Ltd нь автомашины ухаалаг зогсоолын систем, улсын дугаарыг таних систем, явган хүний ​​нэвтрэх хяналтын турник, царай таних терминал болон автомашины зогсоолын системд нэвтрэх удирдлагын шийдлийн тэргүүлэгч компани юм. LPR зогсоолын шийдэл .
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