
Smart Parking Cloud Platform Combination Leads the "new Direction" of Parking Lot Industry -- Tiger

With the popularity of private cars in China, the difficulty of parking has become a wealth disease that cities have to face. The number of motor vehicles in the city center and the number of foreign motor vehicles have increased sharply, resulting in a situation of more and less monks. The reality that every inch of land and every inch of money makes the expansion of traditional parking lot meaningless. At this time, intelligent parking management system came into being. the traditional parking lot is tired. The charging mode of the traditional parking lot mostly adopts the method of close card reading.

Smart Parking Cloud Platform Combination Leads the new Direction of Parking Lot Industry -- Tiger 1

The car owner must swing the window and stretch out his hand to swipe the card, and some even need to swipe the card. It is inconvenient to use. Once it rains, not only the car owner is easy to get wet, but also parking and swiping the card on the up and down ramp is easy to cause accidents such as car sliding and collision. On the other hand, the traffic speed of traditional parking lot is often slow, and it is easy to cause congestion in and out of peak hours. At the same time, in large parking lots, when returning to the parking lot to pick up the car, car owners often lose their way and can't find their own vehicles because of the large parking lot space, the strange environment and similar signs, and the direction is not easy to distinguish. Now the pace of life is getting faster and faster.

The traditional and backward parking lot has long been unable to meet people's needs for convenience and efficiency. intelligent parking management system has entered the public view. At present, due to the characteristics of large land, wide range, large population, large number of building objects, many parking spaces and large spacing between parking lots in domestic cities, the requirements for intelligent parking products are becoming more and more urgent. However, it is in this environment that some domestic parking enterprises have launched their own intelligent parking management system in order to completely solve the problem of parking. For example, tigerwong Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as tigerwong) recently combined with the parking space guidance system, can view the parking lot vacancy information through the LED display screen, so as to improve the parking lot efficiency and user convenience. There are four major pain points in traditional parking lots: slow access, slow payment, difficult parking and difficult to find a car.

For these pain points, tigerwong combines the parking lot with automatic license plate recognition. Through the license plate recognition technology, there is no need to pick up the ticket or card before the vehicle enters the site. The camera can automatically capture the vehicle information and identify the license plate number to realize automatic gate opening and entry. After entering the site, the car owner will receive the guidance of the parking space and push it to a suitable parking place. Trend: intelligent parking management system cloud platform system integrates cloud computing technology, intelligent image recognition technology and mobile / UnionPay payment technology, and uses the Internet / mobile Internet to connect all scattered parking lots, so as to make innovative changes in the parking management market and make parking more unmanned, mobile Rapid traffic and centralized intelligent management of parking lot.

Compared with the traditional parking lot, the cloud parking lot launched by tigerwong company has certain advantages, such as low cost, high-quality experience, cloud management, convenient installation and maintenance. At the same time, it also develops a variety of payment methods. Users can enter their account and password through the cloud platform, and use the network to understand the parking lot information at any time, which is convenient for monitoring and management. Cloud parking lot provides group management and integrated allocation of parking resources, optimizing social resources. After the cloud platform is established, some applications can be expanded accordingly, such as advertising platform, parking space reservation, urban parking guidance system, parking lot operation, third-party applications, etc. It is reported that the parking big data formed by the cloud platform can produce a flexible business model and bring economic benefits to enterprises.

Smart Parking Cloud Platform Combination Leads the new Direction of Parking Lot Industry -- Tiger 2

This is the greatest charm of the intelligent parking management system field. Although the above is only the intelligent parking management system field launched by tigerwong, it represents the commonness of all intelligent parking management system fields, that is, it realizes cloud networking, shares data and breaks the information island, Build an intelligent parking management system Internet of things cloud platform to realize parking guidance, parking space reservation, electronic self-service payment, fast access and other functions.

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Shenzhen Tiger Wong Technology Co., Ltd нь автомашины ухаалаг зогсоолын систем, улсын дугаарыг таних систем, явган хүний ​​нэвтрэх хяналтын турник, царай таних терминал болон автомашины зогсоолын системд нэвтрэх удирдлагын шийдлийн тэргүүлэгч компани юм. LPR зогсоолын шийдэл .
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Shenzhen TigerWong Technology Co.,Ltd

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