
Pay Attention to These Information Xingqiao Street Parking Charging System Will Be Launched soon -

Pay attention to these information Xingqiao street parking charging system is about to go online! With the social and economic development and demand, the population of Xingqiao street has increased significantly, the people's living standards have been continuously improved, the number of cars has been continuously increased, the traffic congestion has been exacerbated, and the problem of "difficult parking and driving" has become increasingly prominent. According to the requirements of the minutes of the special meeting of Xingqiao Street hearing, the road parking spaces in Xingqiao block are subject to charge management. In order to strengthen static traffic management, make rational use of road resources, improve the sequencing level of urban roads, alleviate the problem of "difficult parking and driving" in Xingqiao street, and further improve the urban management level of Xingqiao street block, set up road parking spaces and implement toll management. The setting principle of road parking spaces shall be in accordance with the principle of "reasonable development and limited supply" to meet the parking demand of motor vehicles. At present, Xingqiao Street will start charging on October 25, 2018. The next information is very important. 1. Where does the parking charge? The parking spaces with temporary parking management system installed in the west section of ouhuazhou street, Huandong Road, Huanxi Road, huanle Avenue, Changhuan road and other sections should start charging. Oh the charging berths generally have standard scribed boxes and digital numbers. Xingqiao Street Road parking lot distribution table area name & gt; 3. What is the charging standard? Price standard for road parking: 5 yuan / hour for small cars in class I sections. The first 15 minutes are free. Small cars in class II sections are 3 yuan / hour. The first 15 minutes are free. Hourly as the billing unit; Charging standard of parking lot: 4 yuan / vehicle / time within 2 hours (inclusive), 10 yuan / vehicle / time for more than 2 hours, and free for the first 15 minutes; Note: not all the planned parking spaces in Xingqiao Street are charged. The planned charging sections in phase I are Tiandu urban block and the west section of ouhuazhou street, of which the west section of ouhuazhou street is a class I charging section and other sections are class II sections. Other free berths are temporarily provided to the public for free.

Pay Attention to These Information Xingqiao Street Parking Charging System Will Be Launched soon - 1

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