
Cloud Platform Intelligent Parking Lot with License Plate Recognition to Improve the Travel Service

In recent years, the concept of intelligent parking lot has been widely used, and its effect is also popular, which has a great impact on the traditional parking lot system. This system is derived from the combination of cloud platform management concept and license plate recognition technology under the Internet of things technology. The emergence of cloud platform parking management system breaks through the current situation of information island of each parking lot system, It realizes the centralized management of multiple parking lots on one platform and improves the travel service experience of car owners. The management method adopted by the traditional parking lot has fallen behind. The entrance and exit rely on manual gate opening, and the charge is also manual cash charge. All these are outdated manifestations. This can be managed when the traffic flow of the parking lot is small, but when the traffic flow is too large, the problems caused by this management method are undoubtedly exposed! The current cloud platform intelligent car parking management system can view the use of parking spaces in nearby parking lots through the cloud platform, so that car owners can choose the best parking route and save parking time! Tigerwong platform intelligent car parking management system is a new cloud management service model based on industry development. Using tigerwong platform, it can break through network and regional restrictions, realize remote troubleshooting and mobile terminal management, and provide online payment of parking fees. Online acquisition of parking space quantity and parking space reservation. It is also compatible with the private cloud management service model. If a large real estate developer or government agency wants to keep the license plate privacy and settlement data, it can use a relatively independent private cloud parking management platform. There is also a standard configuration of intelligent parking lot, that is license plate recognition. This management mode automatically identifies the vehicle identity through the license plate recognition camera installed at the entrance and exit, and judges whether the traffic conditions are met from the main. When the vehicle arrives at the entrance, after the license plate recognition camera finds the vehicle, the camera carries out license plate recognition. The license plate recognition master computer records the time, the gate rises automatically, and the gate closes automatically after the vehicle enters the site. At this time, the parking time of the vehicle in the toll management system starts. When the vehicle arrives at the exit, after the license plate recognition camera finds the vehicle, the license plate recognition camera carries out license plate recognition, and the charging management system automatically settles the payment amount; After settlement, the gate will rise automatically and close automatically after the vehicle leaves the site. Such an intelligent parking lot can also be called a cloud parking lot, which is to use the Internet of things and cloud computing technology to manage the parking lots in different places, and centralize the scattered data to realize the remote online management of the parking lot, the ubiquitous parking guidance, parking space reservation, online payment and other functions, as well as the license plate recognition at the entrance and exit, More effectively improve parking service and management level. Tigerwong parking management system has been inherited for many years! If you have any questions about parking lot system, etc., welcome to consult and exchange.

Cloud Platform Intelligent Parking Lot with License Plate Recognition to Improve the Travel Service 1

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