


TGW全自動停車引導系統是集智能液位傳感器和識別傳感器於一體的自動化停車場管理系統,包含智能車輛引導系統、反恐防禦系統、遠程監控系統。 它自動引導車輛到停車場的正確位置,無需人工干預。  這可以節省您的時間並確保准確性。 更重要的是,有了加密定位系統,如果你的車丟了很多,它會毫不費力地指引你找到它。

視訊停車攝影機用於停車引導和反向尋車系統偵測車位內是否有車輛。 攝影機整合汽車狀態指示燈,可即時顯示紅、綠、黃、藍、藍、紫、滅七種顏色,紅燈亮表示有車,綠燈亮表示無車
TGW全自動停車引導系統 一站式智慧停車場解決方案
TGW全自動泊車引導系統 一站式智慧停車場解決方案。自動泊車引導系統·提升效率和安全性
停車引導系統(PGS) 停車位監控 超聲波傳感器 停車位指示器
停車引導系統是一種可以引導車輛順利進入目的地停車位的指示系統。 通俗的講,是指引導車輛進入停車場空車位的智能停車引導系統。 檢測器檢測車位並在顯示屏上顯示空車位信息。 駕駛員可以利用這些信息實現輕鬆停車
Parking Equipment
In recent years, a growing number of people are opting for intelligent parking equipment. The technology can help to guide vehicles to the designated parking area, and it can even shut the garage door to maintain a safe environment. It can also improve traffic operation efficiency.
Parking equipments

The Parking Equipment normally include the entrance and exit dispenser, cameras, and its neccessary accessories. The payment machine, barrier also is the parking equipment which plays an importance role in whole solution.

 Parking ticket dispenser
A parking lot ticket dispenser is a machine used to dispense parking tickets.  It is equipped with anti-jamming and lightning protection and offers an optional voice prompt module for an easy and friendly customer interface.
Auto Payment Machine
Auto Payment Machine is called an Auto Pay Station. It supports the cashless system and is customer-friendly, accepting credit card payments.
What Is An Auto Payment Machine?
An Auto Payment Machine is a specially designed business tool used for the automatic collection of parking fees designed to meet the automatic parking fee collection needs of any location. These machines are used to collect parking fees on a monthly or unattended basis. They are highly reliable and offer a host of features and benefits. Tigerwong has an advanced operating system that ensures smooth and secure payment processes.

Auto Payment Machine is the most convenient way to collect parking fees from your customers. These machines come in a compact, modern design and are ideal for car parks and parking garages.  It automatically charges the drivers of the vehicles parked in your parking lot. The automatic payment machines can be customized according to the needs of any customer and can accept cash or cards. These machines are also user-friendly and offer a range of features for a variety of locations. The advanced design of these machines minimizes user errors.
Parking Lot Ticket Dispenser Machine
Parking lot ticket dispensers are a great way to keep your business running smoothly. Ticket Dispenser Machines are vending machines that dispense tickets in a specific format. A parking ticket dispenser is a machine used to dispense parking tickets. This machine features an industrial design, embedded operating system, and pre-dispense function. It has the ability to connect with an IC/ID card reader and vehicle detector. It uses thermal paper, which is stable and economical. 

The ticket dispenser has several features that make it convenient for users. The user simply inserts the card into the machine and prints out the tickets. This type of machine is very easy to use, and the user can control its output.

It is equipped with anti-jamming and lightning protection and offers an optional voice prompt module for an easy and friendly customer interface. Various advanced functions include an embedded system that allows remote access and a convenient voice prompt module.
Parking Equipment Benefits In Daily Uses
Cost reduction. The Parking Equipment minimizes traditional costs and allows for realistic ROI in a shorter timeframe.

Parking control systems are the ease of installation.Automated parking control systems are easy to install and use.

  The car parking equipment is more user-friendly, can save parking space, and ease the difficulty of parking.

Smart parking equipment can make parking lots safer and more environmentally friendly.

  The features and functionality of parking equipment are critical to the success of any parking management project.

Buy intelligent parking equipment with low price and high technology, lower cost than traditional garage
深圳市虎王科技有限公司是領先的車輛智能停車系統、車牌識別系統、行人門禁閘機、人臉識別終端等門禁解決方案提供商。 LPR停車解決方案 .


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地址:矽谷動力數位產業園區A2棟一樓 龍華區觀瀾街道大富路22號



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