
TGW é profissional em design e solução para sistema de gerenciamento de estacionamento


Anpr high way solutions

Highway violation management system and toll station vehicle management.

TARGET: ANPR Road monitoring system widely used in Highway, City Traffic Suvilliance System, Highway toll stations, Tunnel .etc. TigerWong could support license plate identification data collection, management, docking of vehicle information, etc.

Built In Thermal Camera Temperature Measurement 
Face Recognition Terminal
Tablet temperature measurement face recognition terminal face access control for entrance and exit.
Touch screen temperature measurement
Face recognition terminal

Tablet temperature measurement face recognition terminal face access control for entrance and exit.

Infrared thermal imaging temperature 
Detection security device

High temperature detection device with ai face recognition.

TARGET: Infrared thermal imaging equipment is suitable for controlling the temperature monitoring of human fluids in various public places during the anti-epidemic period, so as to find people with abnormal high temperature in time and isolate the source of infection.

Shenzhen Tiger Wong Technology Co., Ltd é o fornecedor líder de soluções de controle de acesso para sistema de estacionamento inteligente de veículos, sistema de reconhecimento de placas, catraca de controle de acesso de pedestres, terminais de reconhecimento facial e Soluções de estacionamento LPR .
sem dados

Tecnologia Co. de Shenzhen TigerWong, Ltd

Tel:86 13717037584

O email: info@sztigerwong.com

Adicionar: 1º Andar, Edifício A2, Silicon Valley Power Digital Industrial Park, No. Estrada Dafu 22, Rua Guanlan, Distrito de Longhua,

Shenzhen, província de Guangdong, China  


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